
What makes Aqualyte the hydration choice among professional and casual sports people?

Low sugar content  The low sugar content of Aqualyte makes it suitable for prolonged use and is a healthier alternative to other sports drinks.

Maintain Performance  Dehydration of just 1-2% can affect both mental and physical performance by up to 6-7%. Therefore just slight dehydration can compromise training and recovery or adversely affect competition performance.

Absorbs Rapidly  The rapid absorption of Aqualyte prevents the feeling of fullness or bloating in the gut that can occur when drinking during exercise or competition. This rapid absorption allows you to consume what you need without discomfort.

Less Acidic  Aqualyte is less acidic than other sports drinks making in easy on the stomach and less damaging for your teeth.

Cost effective and Convenient  Aqualyte is a cost effective and convenient alternative to bottled drinks. Carry a couple of sachets in your bag and just mix with water when required.

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